OldSerb Global Gräfik Warfare

Le Oldserbclub éxiste parce que la terre et les êtres vivants et mort dessus méritent un environnement acceptable pour nous... aujourd'hui, demain et pourquoi pas aprés-demain.
Le Oldserbclub est une organisation que nous voudrions bien lucrative, présente dans 1 pays, en Europe mais pas en Amérique du Sud ou du Nord ni en Asie ni en Afrique et encore moins Pacifiste. Elle compte aujourd'hui près de 4 membres répartis à travers 2 villes.
Le Oldserbclub n'accepte que les dessous de table, les chèques mais pas en bois, les paiements en nature (seulement pour les jolies filles que nous avons sélectionnées pour être des miss OSC) mais pas de goulash (nous avont trop de reste).
Envoyez vite vos dons, pour que nous puissions nous payer une nouvelle soirée mémorable au Hustler.


OSC Setinel Corps.

The first mention of the name "Serbs" appears in the 1st century BC, in 'Historia naturalis' by Plinius, who states that Serbs are the coolest of all.

Square OldSerb Gräfik Surgery Polaroid

Some more oldserb visual propaganda.

A Social & Cultural Diktat

This is the first official OSC upload -July '04.

How do you know if you're an Oldserb...

This is the follow-up of yesterday's post: a collection of oldserb sayings found on the internet by sadhu.

* Your mom uses lard instead of Crisco to fry eggs.
* Your family owns a coffee grinder..and a nut grinder
* You have 17 consonants and 2 vowels in your last name
* Duck tape is your father's only tool next to using a kitchen knife as a screwdriver .
* Baba chased you around the house with Kamilica to drink and Vicks toshove up your nose when you had a cold.
* Your 15 year old sister can out-drink any Amerikanac
* You get a C in history, but can recite every Serbian king, in order,from Czar Dusan
* Your dad never told you about the birds and the bees
* At your wedding you know only about a third of the people there.
* At your wedding you have a minimum of 350 guests.
* At your wedding the first song is always "danas majka zeni svoga sina".
* You have at least 3 slave to attend to on the same day.
* All slave have the same cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
* All weddings have the same cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
* All christenings have the cuisine "supa, sarma, Pecenje".
* A Serb girl tries to look 23 but she's actually 15.
* At least one of your friends name is "Dragan".
* You are somehow related to every 1 in 3 Serb girls/boys.
* You don't actually attend University, just hang out there and play "tablic".
* You can derive "Steve" from "Nenad".
* You can derive "David" from "Zeljko".
* You can derive "Mark" from "Mirko".
* Your father calls you a "dummy" for not knowing how to do something he can't either.
* Even the fat Serb chicks put on the tightest skirt possible.
* Your father expects you to study or "hit da books" every waking hour that he's home, and he expects nothing less than an "A".
* A cold shiver runs down your spine when your mom threatens by using the word "tata" in a sentence.
* Your Deda cuts the grass with knee high black socks and slippers.
* You work out six days a week, but somehow you dad whoops your ass in like five seconds after he comes home from a thirteen hour day from the bakery/factory/food business.
* You own a leather jacket.
* You have three pairs of black shoes.
* You drive a nicer car than your parents.
* There is a 120-gallon barrel of wine and Cabbage in your garage.
* There is more alcohol in your liquor cabinet than at the local bar.
* You hear birds chirping and see the sun rise every time you come home from the bar.
* Your mother still makes your bed.
* You are 18 years old but your parents still call you by your brother's name.
* Every car your family owns has chrome wheels.
* Your Baba calls all cereal "Corn Flakes".
* You can hear your dad snoring from across the street.
* Your dad carries around enough money to buy a car.
* Your dad wears black socks to work everyday.
* Your Baba and Deda live in your basement.
* You wear a DKNY t-shirt when you work out.
* Your parents never go on vacations because they are afraid to leave you home alone for a week.
* You have all brand new appliances in your kitchen but your mom cooks in the basement with the stove from your old house.
* Your baba swears more than you do.
* Your dad claims not to be a racist but insists the whole world should speak Serbian.
* You are prohibited from speaking English in you own home.
* Before school every morning your parents had to look after the sheep, milk the cows, gather all hay, feed the animals etc..
* Both your parents had to walk to school barefoot in the snow, 5km uphill both ways. And over rocks.
* Your parents can't pronounce "Thursday".
* You argue that your mobile phone is better than anyone else's.
* Your mum makes her own bread and slices it with a BIG kitchen knife to a thickness of 5cm per slice.
* You have the biggest sandwiches at school, always consisting of "prsut Or salami".
* Your dad wears dress socks with tennis shoes.
* Each one of your friends has a distinct, annoying laugh.
* All the hot girls/guys are your cousins.
* Your dad starts to swear obsessively whenever he watches CNN.
* Your parents have gone on vacation ONCE and it was to Yugo.
* There's oil stains on your driveway.
* There's at least one relative that your family refuses to talk to.
* Being someone's KUM really has no meaning.
* Your dad thinks he knows everything about the world today.
* You had to break off a tree branch from your back yard, so your dad could whoop your ass with it.
* When your walls are crowded with icons of saints
* Your last name ends with a CH
* You have black hair and brown eyes
* When you speak Serbian and not English on your "You know when you're Serb" list
* When you are reading this list and you're cracking up
* Your mom uses lard instead of Crisco to fry eggs. ..... and tells you it's good for you
* When you are hopelessly trying to bring the Serbian community together
* When you make jokes based on your own tragedy
* Your church has a fully loaded bar
* One of your relatives is a construction worker / painter
* You are high maintenance
* The main menu for lunch is cabbage and beans.
* A loaf of bread is eaten for lunch.
* You don't want to have or do any business with Serbs.
* The minute Church services are finished you run to the bar in the Church Hall and get plastered
* You only go out of town for Serbian Tournaments and Dances
* Your dad pronounced the silent b in Climb, plumber, comb etc…
* Your parents have a shot of rakija for breakfast
* You started to drink at the age of 12
* You don't talk to your Kumovi
* Your mom wears her bra as a bathing suit
* It takes over 8 years to finish college
* If you are female, you first name ends in "A"
* You have a Serbian cross, flag, or icon, hanging from your rear view mirror
* Your uncle makes his own wine that is stronger than rakija
* You think everything is a conspiracy
* Your dad thinks that the phone is bugged
* If you are a girl and not married by the age of 20 you are an old maid
* There is a baba hotline 1-800-CALL-BABA
* Your mother insists that "promaja" will kill you
* Your mother insists that you must eat something with "kasika" at least several times a week
* You base your whole life on the fortune in your coffee cup
* You eat canned peppers and ajvar with every meal
* You have a Kosovka Devojka goblen hanging on your wall
* You live with your mom and dad until you are married
* You have a pair of wool slippers that your baba knit
* Your mom tells you not to sit on concrete or your ovaries are going to freeze
* On your birthday, your parents make you take a picture cutting the cake with a huge knife.
* Your dad washes the garage floor with the hose wearing cheap criss-cross brown flip-flops.
* There's a slab of fat in your fridge called "slanina"
* Rakija is used to cure all illnesses, celebrate all occasions and as a massage lotion
* When you celebrate Christmas and Easter and New Year two weeks after everyone else
* At your birthdays everyone is singing "Happy brzday tu u"
* You wear as much gold as your girlfriend/mother/sister
* When the head of a pig with an apple in its mouth is looked upon as a delicacy
* As a kid you are paid to steal the bride's shoe at a wedding
* When your baba will not accept the fact that you're not hungry
* You teach all your American friends Serbian cuss words
* When your friends can't believe you got drunk at a church function
* When all your Serbian friends dad's kick your ass.
* When all your Serbian friend's dads offer you slivo at age 16.
* Your Tata complains da ga ledga BOLE!!!
* When you had/have a pet named Mishko.
* Your parents pronounce three, thirteen and thirty three as tri, tirteen, and tirty tree.
* You get the mumps and your baba ties slabs of bacon (slanina) around your ears to cure the mumps.
* You have a vegetable garden in your backyard consisting of a variety of peppers, onions and tomatoes.
* You have a freezer that is loaded with meat products, especially pork.
* You have a cold cellar that includes a variety of meat/deli products,pickled goods, and wine.
* When your parents constantly say you'll end up a nobody if you don't graduate from University
* When you have to reassure your Mother that her cooking is the best
* When your Mom proclaims that she doesn't gossip about other Serbs but full well knows that she does
* When you're an adult and still recieve Easter chocolate
* When you had to go perform as an altar boy
* You go to a restaurant and you bring your own drinks
* Whenever you went by Baba's house, she offered you supa, sarma, pecenje or kolace and got mad if you didn't eat EVERYTHING.
* You are at a zabava and guy's try to pick you up with "Hey baby, what's your slava??"
* In your house, the walls are neon green or yellow and your carpet is brown
* You can think of nothing you would rather do an a Saturday night than go to a dance
* Your American friends will never understand why you spend so much time at church events and you are the farthest thing from holy that there is
* You live for the annual Folkfest and/or Soccer Tournament
* Whenever you kiss somebody, you kiss them 3 times.
* When your grandma says that farting is healthy.
* You have 4 pairs of opanke in your attic, basement, closet...
* When you are told that you'll grow a tail if you drink coffee at a young age
* You are freaked out by 'Babaroga'
* You took a bath in a lavor when you were a kid.
* Your tata pronounces "oops" as "ups."
* All the older Serbs around you are always worried about drafts.
* You hear the word "BATINE" and you cringe or go into convulsions
* Your tata has a smoke house and smokes all the slanina/prsut/pecenje for the surrounding serb colony
* You have opanke hanging from your rear view mirror
* The first conversation you had as a baby used the words "jebi ga"
* You cant imagine hearing a song without the obligatory "harmonikas solo"
* You use Shljivovitca down the carburetor to start your 69 Dodge Charger on a cold winter morning
* You know you are a Serb when you live in Detroit and are proud of it!
* You know you are a Serb when you can hear your parents talking, and you are across the street.
* All other action stops when you hear the music : "Boze Pravde", "Kad sam bio mali", or "Marsirala"
* When you're a girl, and you dye your hair no other colour than burgundy..
* "Your Baba says everything you do is bad and what you need is a nice Serbian girl to take care of you!"
* "You're the first of your friends to get hair on his back, and grey hair to follow"
* "Everyone is sure that you're Italian or Greek"
* "Your Baba wastes absolutley no food and even sticks flour in the freezer to keep fresh"
* "Your Baba lectures you everyday of your life because her own children know better than to listen to her"
* "No one has ever pronounced your last name right, and every kid on the block has a nickname for it"
* You know you're Serbian when you don't work and you go shell out $300 easy on the weekend
* You know you're Serbian, when you are a fan of whatever basketball team Vlade Divac is on
* You know you're Serbian when your mom has a whole pharmacy in the medicine cabinet.
* When your mum cuts your hair with a "serpa"
* When your mum calls you "stoka"
* When you can always smell garlic on your parents breath and they insist it kills all the bacteria.
* You know you are a Serb when you go to the annual picnic on the 4th of July and it's a big car show where your fellow Serbs show off their cars....
* Your parents still prefer to buy cassettes instead of CDs.
* When your Baba made you drink warm water when you had a cold, because cold water would make you feel sicker
* When your mom tells you not to drink cold water after you have exercisedyou know
* When no matter what age you are or how much smarter than your parents you are, they will never listen to what you say 'cause you're still their little " beba "
* When your baba tells you that your deda is perfect but don't ask him anything.
* When your parents know everything you did at the basketball tournament before you get home
* When the baba grapevine travels faster than the national emergency alert system.
* A Serbian baby shower is as big as most American weddings!
* When your friends can't understand why your summer vacation consists of playing golf in a town called Farrell or Aliquippa.
* You know you're a Serb when your neighbors never see you during Memorial Day Weekend because you're traveling with 'that choir'.
* You have not seen baba's hair since deda died.
* When your mother yells at you for taking a shower each and every morning with her sarcasm "Did you plow the fields today?"
* When all guys balk at the idea of meeting you family, especially the male relatives
* When no matter how old you are, your parents say you are never right.
* When you are 6'5" 250 and your parents think you are too skinny.
* You know at least 20 Tool and Die Makers or Machinists or you are one yourself.
* Your Dad tells you "kad sam ja bio u tvoje godine...."
* You go to church 2 times a year... Bozic and Uskrs
* When you say you're hungry, and then go buy pack of smokes
* When your baba chases you down the street with her cipela...
* When your baba rather walk five miles to the grocery store instead of getting a ride.
* When you have a chicken running around in your back yard...
* When your tata is talking to you and every other word he calls you is budala...
* When your mama gives you vodka when your teething...
* When your tata whips you before your relatives come over for your birthday...
* When you hang your clothes in the backyard on a clothes line even though you have a dryer...
* When you are a eating at the kitchen table with your family and you get in trouble for talking.
* You have a shot of rakija followed by a crna kafa and a pack of Malboro's for breakfast.
* You sport the latest Nike and Adidas outfits but have never exercised in your life
* You always have the latest mobile phone on the market
* You can spend 3hrs in a Cafe drinking the same one coffee
* Calling someone for a chat at 1am on a weeknight is the norm
* When your parents call relatives in Yugo they shout to be heard
* Your parents work day and night to build the ultimate brick and concrete mansion so their sin and snaja can live with them in eternal happiness
* When everytime your family needs to buy a household item, your father asks the salesperson "how much for cash" and continues to bargain down for at least half an hour
* Your parents believe that being left handed is the sign of the devil
* When as a young boy/girl you have your head shaved to promote a thick head of healthy hair
* As soon as you tell a neighbour you're Serb they ask you for some rakija
* When your front yard is all concrete ... and your dad then paints it green
* When at least 3 of your cousins are Cro
* When you believe the most famous people in the world are Serbs who changed their name
* When you're married with kids and your mother still insists on cooking and cleaning for you
* When on your birthday everyone pulls your ears
* When your baba chases you around the house with a varjaca
* When your parents call you "sine" no matter if your a boy or a girl.
* When your parents only want to invite your Serbian friends in your house
* When your parents only let you go to your Serbian friends' house.

* Your mom gloats about how good Serbian food is but cooks Turkish coffee for all her friends Thinking there's no such thing as Santa Claus but believing St Nicholas will come to your house
* When you work part time and drive a BMW
* A cassette or Video of Lepa Brena is in your Video case or radio
* When your tata tells you a narodna poslovica for everything single wrong thing you do and you think that he made them all up just to prove a point.
* Your parents always complain about how the "matematika" you're doing in school is too easy for kids your age.
* When your baba and deda believe that you got sick because your parents didn't feed you properly
* When you are watching your favorite basketball team and someone scores a three pointer you interpret the referee's three fingers in the air as support for Serbia
* When you open gifts not to tear the wrapping so your baba can reuse the paper and bows
* When there are more fights at a wedding than a championship match
* When you write on your history exam that Nikola Tesla is the father of electricity not Thomas Edison and you teacher fails you.
* When you make a pilgrimage to Chicago
* When your parents tell you that the laws pertain only to North Amaericans and not them
* When you call your next door neighbor "kone"
* You get scared when your dad sneezes
* When you insist on talking Serbian even when you're with your American friends
* When you date someone from church
* When all your Serb guy friends insist they're Cetnici
* When your dad likes to sit home and play the harmonika
* When you go on vacation and your dad spends all his time playing tablic at the hotel
* When the spaghetti and macaroni and cheese your mom makes tastes like lamb from the lamb grease she saved to put in everything
* When tipping rule of thumb is: no need to tip if you will never eat at that restaurant again
* When no one enters your house through the front door. .. everyone is to enter through the garage
* When your cat is named matcak and your dog is named kutcak
* When your parents will only go to the doctor if they are passed out on the floor or have severed a limb
* When to ensure that you will never marry a non-serb, whenever you are in the car with your parents, your parents play Serb music and sing along really loud when the windows are rolled down in the car
* If your real first name isn't Serbian, you have two first names -- one is definitely Serbian.
* When the first thing you do when you walk into a friends house, is take off your shoes, kiss their mom, and shake their dad's hand
* When your friends' parents talk to you like they're YOUR PARENTS too.
* When you beg a friend going back to Yugo to get you some kajmak
* When you beg a friend going back to Yugo to get you some Serbian cigarettes
* When you bang the table and break glasses while singing when you're drunk.
* When your father threatens you with a papuca
* When your father says "samo ako te zgrabim ja"
* Drinking a cold glass of water will get you sick
* When beans are served and your dad tells you that you should call it "gospodin pasulj
* You know you are Serb when your boyfriend / husband says to you "cut bre"
* When you step on poop and your mom tells you that it's a sign of luck or money
* You know you're a Serb when this list keeps growing and it's getting hard to edit it!
* Baba's extra refrigerator is the back porch...
* You can't even think about beginning the kolach until 1:00 in the morning, since it's bad luck to make it any earlier than the morning of slava.It's 2:10 AM when you realize the oven, which deda just "repaired", won't light...
* Your first real kiss was during the Kissing Kolo.
* You know you're a serb when you are 25, live on you own, and still sneak up the stairs when you get home at six in the morning.
* You cut up some onions and garlic and then decide what you will make for dinner.
* You think the expression "Don't laugh so much, you will cry" sounds reasonable
* The word "Sramota!" will deter you from anything
* Every one of your relatives from the old country that immigrates to the the US is an engineer
* Cevapcici on the grill are better than steak any day
* All Middle Easterners are "Turci"
* Your parents order "Pepsi , no ice"
* Your grown uncle gets a "batine" from your baba and you don't think twice about it
* Your majka is fond of saying "Tanks God"
* Garlic flavored boiled pigs feet spread is yummy
* Deda has a 25 year club hat and license plate frame from his steel mill job and lost three fingers achieving that milestone
* Theres a bust of Cica Draza in your house and a hand made afghan on your recliner
* You can hear Ceca pumping in your car, with the subs cranked to the max, two blocks away
* You understand what "made in the garage" really means
* A week after Slava, Bozic, and Easter you are still eating sarma
* When returning from Jugo, everyone at the airport is staring at you becuase your suitcase smells of rakija
* After a few years of working there is a pattern on your leave of absence, you are sick every year on the 7th, 14th, and 20th of January
* You can dance a kolo to anything, including Serbian rock
* You read this list to your mama and tata and all they have to say in their defense is "IC NAT TRU!!!"
* You work on a construction, but when you come to YU for vacation you tell everyone how successfull "biznismen" you are.
* You feel nostalgic for drinking and vomiting in front of the liquor store.
* When you eat any kind of meat for lunch and your baba says that the greasiest part is the sweetest.
* You listen to gusle and you actually LIKE it
* When your mom can bake a cake without sugar, chocolate, flour and oil, and she calls it " the embargo cake "
* When you're sitting in your room and listening to "narodnjake"
* When your mama and baba have to wear 18 lbs. of gold around their necks at the zabavas "zato sto narod moze da vidi koliko smo mi bogat!"
* You always buy a Mercedes Benz when you decide to move back to YU.
* When you've been called djubre at least once in your life
* Your parents buy peppers by the bushels
* You have a gold chain with a 'pravoslavni krst' on it
* ..if you sit too close to the T.V., you'll get cancer.
* Your father didn't wear under arm deodorant because it could cause cancer
* Your parents insist that piling blankets on your body is the way to cure your 102 degree fever
* When in the family gathering every generation has its own war and is boming to talk about and be proud for surviving it.
* When you think green onions from your deda's garden and a plate of salt is an appetizer
* When your mom does your laundry and makes your bed
* Your house smells like luk or krompir and you get pissed because it gets on your clothes
* When you started going to the clubs at 14
* You tell your friends to rebel when their parents tell them to be home before midnight
* When you say bitch instead of beach or beach instead of bitch
* When your american friends come to your party and beg for you to play something in english
* When you try to spell and it comes out the way you speak it
* You've either thrown a hotel party or have gotten thrown out of one
* You know you are a Serb when you're mom is running after you to put on a "podkusulja"
* You know you're a Serb when you refer to John Travolta as "Jontra"
* You talk to everyone at a distance of 6 inches
* When a lamb/pig was roasted on a backyard pit for your graduation party to the horror of your friends
* You know you're a Serb when you sing "DJURDJEVDAN" at all serbian parties
* When you are never certain whether to stay abroad or return to Serbia
* Your dad tells you "dis is the turd time I am telling you dis" and you are afraid to laugh.
* Truisms such as "you don't have to look for a fool with a lantern" and "until you are age 21 you don't have no more brains than a chicken" are meaningful to you.
* All your male relatives in the Old Country have a three day growth of beard, smell of onions and B.O., and leave saliva on your cheeks when they kiss you.
* Reunions are not complete without dissension and the airing of grievances.
* You bring gifts when you come and take gifts when you leave.
* You are adored the first 10 years of your life, then treated like a complete idiot until you get married.
* You have no idea why the other girls in second grade are so upset when you tell them you eat lamb
* When you were a kid you made enough money for any electronic toy you wanted every time you saw your older relatives
* You have a doily covering your DVD, VCR, printer, scanner
* You make sure to bring pictures of your new car/apartment/house with you to YU and show them to your jealous relatives & friends but make it look unintentional
* When you know what "merak" is and spread your arms every single time you hear "Nema raje bez rodnoga kraja"
* When you roll pancakes and eat them as a dessert after dinner
* When your tata never misses to "oglodati oko kosti"
* When you think there is no better thing in the world but to dip bread in the lard dripping from a roasted pig
* When your pride is more important than your own happiness
* When you do not announce yourself before visiting a friend and are happy to see him/her at your door in the same manner
* When you say your last name first and prefer last names that ends in "ic"
* You know you're a Serb when your dad thinks everyone from China has a black belt
* You know you're Serbian when all you have to do is sniffle and your parents (almost gladly) say, "Uh- huh" and start yelling at you for getting sick
* You are poor in the United States, but when you go back to Yugo everyone thinks you are rich.
* When there is a knock on the front door and your father asks: Who is?"
* When you have run away from Serbia and you're still saying :It's the best place to live!
* When you're BABA is criticizing you every time you say the word "picture"!
* When you're BABA doesn't want to eat Pizza because it has an AWFUL name.
* When you make sure that every non-Serb KNOWS that while at the English court they were eating with hands King LAZAR was using a golden fork
* When you say that the family is to be loved only in the photos
* When the hospitality is consisting in making the guest eat till he doesn't die
* When your tata is ironing, cooking cleaning and cooking, but when the doorbell rings, you must not open till he doesn't put himself on the sofa with a cigarette and a turska kafa
* When you meet someone special and the first question you ask is "imas li papire?"
* When working 9-5 is like working under fascism the first question you ask at a job interview is "how much vacation time do I have"
* When people still think you are from Siberia no matter how many times you tell them Serbia
* When you watch a movie and wait to the end to see if there are any jugovic in the credits
* You think this list is way too long but have already read to the bottom because it's so funny
* When your parents' friends have no shame to tell you that you gained weight
* You move next door to a family member to be closer but then end up not talking for something stupid someone said when they were drunk
* Your mother serves you tea only when you are sick
* Your Baba tells you to eat ice cream only in summertime
* You don't understand the language of your church prayers
* The tunes of your popular folk songs sound oriental
* Your favorite phrase is "Nema problema"
* You get phone calls from your relatives in Yugo at 3AM
* Every letter you receive from Yugo ends with "Posalji malo para"
* Your parents tell you that sleeping in a cold bedroom is good for your health
* You're told to speak Serbian to be understood by the whole world
* When you're going away for the weekend with your girlfriend/boyfriend and your mama and baba tell you to buy some nice pyjamas and underwear
* For the first 16 years of your life you think your name is J.... Ti Sunce'
* No matter what the price is your Dad will still say 'kol'ko?,.., ooh, bogati, pa skupo' and 'Nasta trosis pare'.
* When you put a pound of butter and a pound of cream cheese on your bagel, then fold it in half.
* When you have pictures of saints in your bathroom
* Everybody exept for your father serves the guests on "Slava"
* When your Dad insists that he must be called Tata and not Dad because to him Dad means Deda
* Your parents insists on you dancing the kolo from an early age and can't leave it till they had enough taking you to lessons and that is usually around 16 years of age.
* If you were taught to love not just your immediate family but up to your 10th cousin or more and NOT to marry them
* When you call the youngest child in your family Bato and don't use their real name
* You know you are born in Australia, America, UK etc but the first words out of your mouth is Serbian and not English
* When everyone in Yugoslavia asks you "pa de ti se vise svidja? tamo ili ovamo?"
* You get mad when somebody says that you speak Yugoslavian
* When your deda drives a Yugo
* Your easter eggs are coloured brown
* When relatives immigrate from Yugo, they live at your house for 6 months first
* When your date comes to pick you up and your dad sits on the couch cleaning his hunting gun
* You're 14 and some 50 year old guy is trying to pick up on you at the hall
* Your mama tells you never to cut out the "srce" of a watermelon, but the whole slice or "tata ce da vice kada dodje kuci!"
* When you pack to go for serbia and out of the 4 suitcases you are carrying, only one of them is actually yours
* When 3 different strangers are waiting for you at the airport to collect their gifts that you are carrying with you
* When you tell people you are Serbian, they always ask... "So ... What is it like there now?"
* You live in the adult world but when you go home, you feel like your 9 years old all over again
* When you can actually pronounce the "g" in jagnje
* When your Tata always says "Dodji Tati"
* When your Deda always says "Dodji Dedi"
* When your mother in law puts garlic under the cradle of your baby to save him from "uroka"
* When your baba complains about the mess but does not intend on doing anything about it
* When your mama tells you that the sweetest things on earth are luk and kiseli kupus
* When your dad yells at little Serbian kids for speaking English
* Your dad calls your friend Sarah > sera, and your friend Jose > koza
* When your dad tells you not to drink so much, but he drinks non stop
* When you're at a soccer game and your tata is yelling "j**** ja" at the whole team and all the "amerikanci" know it can't be a good thing
* Your parents tell you that "gurlz" love guys that can dance a good kolo
* if your not married by the age of 20 your family wants to send you back home to find "a nice boy"
* When your family suggests that u go to Yugo to marry your cousin so u can bring them over to Canada
* Asian people are friends with your dad because he's name is Dragan. And they think it's Dragon
* You have more than 200 serbian movies, but you have never watched them
* You have a good husband if he works and doesn't beat you
* At your christening a silver dollar on your navel will protect you from evil and make you rich
* Baba says "palachinki" and everyone heads for the table
* When she is mad your mama tells you that she will send you back to where you came from
* When your tata does a running commentary through a movie and he thinks he knows everything that's going to happen even though he has never seen the movie
* When you are in a circle of fellow Serbs having a conversation and anything round dropped into the middle of the group becomes a soccer ball subject to juggling
* When you actually know what it means when Peja Stojakovic holds up three fingers
* When you put ground potatoes in your socks to cure a fever
* There is always "pita" on the kitchen counter and multiple pita dough bundles in your freezer at all times
* After cooking Pita, you eat it for dinner, breakfast, lunch and dinner
* Your parents don't expect you to make good grades, as long as they are better than everybody else's
* Your tata yells at you "budala, neznas nista!" when you tell him that the crowd isn't yelling "DIVAC", they are actually yelling "Defense" during the Sacramento Kings game regardless if they are home or away
* Seeing an animal's brain in the fridge doesn't freak you out
* Your mom or baba only use two settings on the stove: MAX or OFF
* When you call Santa "Deda Mraze"
* When you mom or grandma tells you to pee before you go outside
* When the only family u have here is your mom dad and siblings
* You use the words brat i sestra for your brother and sister and for your
* You know when you are a Serb when you are born on a Serbian Saint Day and named after that saint.. eg Nicola, Lazer, Savo etc..
* Upon meeting another Serb, one of your first questions is, "What church do You go to?"
* When at your wedding reception as you enter the hall, they play "Marsh Na Drinu".
* You've convinced all your friends that Bon Jovi's name is actually Bojan Jovic
* You coverted the garage into a kitchen just to feed all the family and guest that showed
* When your tata chases the pigeons off the balcony with a mop, then sits down and says "dayll be back"
* When tata allways "AMMA YOY"
* When everyone always turns over their cup after drinking tursku kafu even though they know there is no one to tell them their fortune.
* When your tata is looking at an old photo album and sees himself young and says "jao sto sam bio frajer" and ur mom tells him "molim te nemoj da s...š!"
* When your pit bull's name is Pedja
* You can make a public announcement by telling just one Serb friend something in confidence.
* As a child, the babas at your church caused you permanent brain damage from asphyxiation by pressing your face into their ample boobs while shouting, "o joj, zlato!" over and over again
* You have an ashtray in your shower
* Your parents spend hours talking about the best djubre for the vegetables
* Your deda tells you that his family were the wealthiest in the village because they owned two cows and a donkey
* When you go on holiday, you take the same suitcase that your dad had with him when he arrived in the country over 30 years ago
* You are named after your ujko, stric, tata or deda
* Your mother keeps buying and sending you clothes long after you have grown up and left home
* No one believes you are a Serb if you come from Texas, Alabama, Georgia or Mississippi and have a drawl, even if your last name is Manojlovich or Bogdanovich
* You are the only race that suffers from PROMAJA
* When TATA goes to any professional and says STA ON ZNA, NEMA POJMA
* You know you're a Serb when your parents yell "kakva je ta skola" when you cannot complete their tax returns while you're in the third grade.
* You tell your friends that you love sipak (rosehip) jam and they have no idea what it is
* When you've heard "kuku meni" way too many times in your life ..

* When your tata, ujko, stric, tetak, or deda cross their legs like a woman
* When you're about 4 years old and you have to show your "cuna" to some old Serb who gives you one dollar and is pleased to see that you are becoming a man.
* If u hate wearing opanke but u still have to for folklore
* If your American friends cant understand why you spend every summer vacation in Yugo
* If u use "bre" or "j___ g_" in your dialog
* If your parents think that Yugos are the best, and the whole world is just stupid
* If your parents can't pronounce "turtle"
* The only place your Djedo and Baba shop is Sears.
* You believe drinking the juice from the kupus barrel is as good as a flu shot.
* Your church fries fish on Fridays
* Your Baba always gestures with a large kitchen knife
* Your Baba can only cook in quantities of 20.
* There are enough canned goods in your Baba and Djedos cellar to stay underground through the next millennium
* A healthy Serbian breakfast is fried eggs, slanina, pogacha and a shot of slivo or rakja. Your deda has been eating this for years and has the lowest cholesterol count in the family.
* When your mom makes you put on a sweater in the house because SHE's cold.
* When you know the biggest killer of Serbs isn't heart disease or cancer, but PROMAJA.
* When your neighbors think your garage is on fire, but it's just your Dad smoking meat.
* When your entire garage smells like an outhouse from the 55 gallon barrel of Kupus.
* When your Dad tries to make you dring "Rasola" (kupus juice), and tries desparately to convince you how good it is!
* When everytime you ask your Dad where he's going, he says; "U g____u. Oces li i ti?"
* When people are readig this list and they are serious in analyzing each line, contemplating its truth in depth and giving it a historical perspective
* When you have a stomach ache and your mom says "Skupi se"
* Your baba, deda, tata, mama wash off every inch of concrete around your whole house at least once a week.
* When you have a wrestling match against your dad your deda laughs.
* Your baba and deda are born in Croatia
* When every wedding you go to the kolo is always cacak
* There is no wedding without a kolo
* When people at weddings shout like mad people
* When a pop has a beard
* When everyone likes kolo's.
* Not only do you eat bread with every meal, but then you use the left-over bread to wipe your plate clean.
* You dance folklor... or if you're a guy your mom makes you
* Your day suddenly lights up when you meet another Serb
* You tell Americans where you are from and you end up explaining the entire history of Yugoslavia
* Tata and brat drive 75 mph with one finger on the wheel and no seat belt while smoking and telling a story
* Mama knocks on wood when saying "Hvala Bogu"
* Salata is eaten with the meal, not before
* Your relatives are constantly trying to hook you up with some Balkan person they know
* Deda drinks rakija to "clear his throat" in the morning
* When your dad makes rakija from grapes from your backyard
* When your real name is Nick/ Nikola, serbs call you Nidjo
* When your dad has a ton of yarn socks from Serbia
* When your relative comes from Serbia they bring home-made rakia
* When your baba does all the household chores
* When a relative/friend comes from Serbia, they bring chocalate for the kids.
* When your dad buys a car he says it's a great car
* When your baba taught you the serbian language as a kid
* When your mom was the only one to buy you video games and clothes
* When you need something you're dad asks right away, "sta ti treba to?"
* You started smoking when you went to Serbia for the first time.
* When you get back from Srbija, you immediately go on myspace and download all the songs from Serbian singers' pages. Then listen to them for 2 months before getting back to American music.
* Your MySpace page has a hundred photos with you and your friends holding up three fingers
* When your mother or grandmother bathed you in a "korito" with boiling hot water when you were a baby
* When you translate for your father at court but he answers the judge in English
* You know your Serbian when your parents....relatives...... and most of all Grandparents incourage you to drink.... and if you back away they make fun of you.
* You're the only one on your block that has Christmas lights out on your house till well after December 25th
* Your dad is out in the backyard with a large bowl or plastic bag and cutting dandelion leaves with a knife to put in the salata.
* Your parents praise the country they came from but would never move back.
* You rip the hleb and eat it dry.
* You eat bread that's ripped up in a bowl of hot milk and love it.
* You must wear papucas (slippers) at all times so you don't catch cold.

Top Ten Reasons Why To Be From The Balkans

The following 'Top Ten' article was found somewhere on the internet sometime ago by Sadhu. He used it for our myserb account and by no means could this be lost like the rest of our stock... Deleted rather than locked actually... 450 pics and probably approximately 200 texts deleted by the fotolog admins.

part 1 of an alternative introduction to the oldserbclub

Top Ten Reasons for being a Serb:
1. You are not a Croat.
2. Basketball team.
3. You can choose between several war criminals in Presidential elections.
4. You can enjoy the positive media coverage of your country when abroad.
5. You can fight 600 year-old battles against the Turks and their domestic collaborators, be convinced that it's happening right now, and not be entirely wrong.
6. You can always go to Greece and Cyprus and fear nothing.
7. Grilled meat and slivovitz.
8. You get to drink slivovitz and eat grilled meat even when under economic sanctions.
9. You are the only European country which was bombed by NATO.
10.Every now and then you get to fly to the Hague at someone else's expense.

Top ten reasons for being a Croat:
1. You're not a Serb
2. Soccer team.
3. You get to pretend that your language is different from Serbian, although it's really not.
4. Dubrovnik.
5. You get to dream about independent Croatia.
6. Every now and then you get to sing "Danke, Danke,Deutschland," and continue to dream about independent Croatia.
7. You have a thousand-year culture of which no one has heard.
8. You have a democratically elected President who is not ashamed of being a Croat.
9. The glorious World War Two past.
10.You have a thousand-year culture....

Top ten reasons for being Bosnian:
1. You can get asylum anywhere except in Serbia.
2. You can pretend that your state exists.
3. Kebab.
4. You can pretend that Sarajevo is a really cosmopolitan European city when you know that it is not.
5. Great kebab.
6. You can be visited by Francois Mitterand, Bernard Henry-Levy,Susan Sontag, and
Bill Clinton and it still doesn't make a difference.
7. Free round-trip to any Moslem country.
8. You get to be bombed by a psychiatrist.
9. You can fly your flag in the UN but nowhere else.
10.Foreigners give you money and don't ask any questions.

Top ten reasons for being Slovenian:
1. You can speak the beautiful Slovene language and know that no one cares except you.
2. You can feel superior to all former Yugoslavs.
3. You can drink after work.
4. You can pretend to live on the "sunny side of the Alps," although you know it's not that sunny.
5. You can pretend that you are as good as any German while secretly enjoying the fact that you are a Slav.
6. Good relations with Italy and Austria.
7. You can afford to be Yugo-nostalgic.
8. You can marry a Slovene and have Slovene children who speak Slovene.
9. You don't have to be ashamed when abroad.
10.No one bothers you because no one really cares.

Top ten reasons for being Macedonian:
1. You can call yourself Macedonian and not get killed by a Bulgarian, Greek, Serb or Albanian.
2. Fresh tomatoes, watermelon and tobacco.
3. You can pretend you are a descendant of Alexander the Great and piss off the Greeks.
4. You get to be sad and suffer while listening to folk music.
5. Good relations with your neighbors, especially Greeks and Albanians.
6. American soldiers on your territory.
7. You get to call your country The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
8. Fresh tomatoes, watermelon, and tobacco.
9. You can successfully pretend your language is not Bulgarian.
10.Everyone is interested in the stability of your country except your neighbors.

Top ten reasons for being Montenegrin:
1. You can be proud of your heroic past and not being conquered by the Turks for 500 years.
2. You can sing epic songs about your heroic past and not being conquered by the Turks for 500 years.
3. You can think of Russia as your Mother, although Russia does not know you are her son.
4. You can combine orthodoxy with Stalinism with love of Russia and still think that you are better and more progressive than the Serbs.
5. Goat cheese, grilled lamb, and grappa.
6. You get to kill at least one person in a vendetta and defend your honor.
7. If you are a woman you can kill your husband and everyone knows why you did it.
8. You can smuggle cigarettes to Italy and live like a king.
9. You don't have to work even when you have to.
10.You don't have to work....

Top ten reasons for being Albanian:
1. You can always swim to Italy.
2. You can choose between a president who stole your whole income, one who killed all your relatives, or go fight the Serbs in Kosovo.
3. You can always wish that you can get Kosovo
4. You can always swim to Italy.
5. You can take weapons from any army garrison and defend your honor.
6. You can get killed in a vendetta and be remembered as the hero of the family.
7. You get to be called the poorest country in Europe.
8. You can live in the ecologically cleanest country in Europe.
9. You can always swim to Italy
10.you can always want a "greater albania", nut deep down inside you know that can't happen

Top ten reasons for being a Yugoslav:
1. You can be proud that you are neither a Serb, nor a Croat, nor a Slovene, nor a Bosnian, nor a Macedonian, nor Montenegrin, nor an Albanian, although you are one or more of the above.
2. You don't have to feel bad about being "Yugo-nostalgic".
3. You can have a husband/wife from any part of Yugoslavia and still feel like the country never fell apart, especially if you are abroad.
4. You get to listen to Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Montenegrin, and even Albanian music and feel that it's quite OK.
5. You don't have to be ashamed of your Titoist past.
6. You can sing Partisan songs from World War Two or rock-and-roll from the 1980's.
7. You get to be cosmopolitan and spit on all the nationalists.
8. You get to be researched by foreign sociologists interested in your identity.
9. You are invited to speak about Yugoslavia at conferences abroad.
10.You are a good candidate for a Soros stipend.
