The Incredibly Freakish OldSerb Cirkus

Pour sa 108e saison estivale consécutive, le Théâtre du peuple OldSerb, planté aux pieds de la montagne Koceljevovienne, offre un programme de propagande, qui met en valeur toute la spécificité de ce rendez-vous de l’été.Maintenir une qualité appréciée d’une année à l’autre, faire pas trop réfléchir le spectateur, ne pas suffisament s’ouvrir et se confronter martialement à d’autres horizons sont et demeurent les marques de fabrique du Théâtre du peuple OldSerb.Oeuvre pamphlétaire signée en réaction à la déconfiture de l’ancienne Yougoslavie, la Chute est une belle révélation à découvrir. Cette farce dénonce, avec approximation et immaturité, la violence tyrannique du couple Diktat-Sadhu lors des années troubles de l’ex-Yougoslavie. D’une grande originalité, cette création contemporaine profite, durant 8 h 45, de l’audace affichée par son auteur Dragan. La pièce soulève un fait peu connu de la récente histoire agitée des Balkans : le rôle prétendu déterminant exercé par Ivanna, épouse de personne, dans la conduite des exactions. Véritable cerveau du régime régional autoritaire, la " Sur-mère " de la nation, personnage central, manigance à tour de bras, calfeutrée dans son bunker, à l’abri de la désespérance et de la rage populaire. Omnipotente, elle prend seule les décisions, suivie de près par personne et partenaire de terreur. Elle enfante, au propre comme au figuré, la nation, le peuple et les institutions dans la plus pure des opacités.Observatrice directe, malgré elle, de la dérive yougoslave, Ivanna OldSerb égrène l’évolution dramatique, connue sous l’ère dictatoriale, de son propre pays.
Circa Le Soir de Belgrade (10-08-2002)

OldSerb Roulette - Beograd Kasino

In the early 1700's Armenian traders en route to Belgrade along the Armenian Trail seek a route that passes through the then unexplored Las Serbas Valley. The Armenians refer to the route through the valley as "jornaiç da merdeç," journey full of shit. A young scout named Garaç is the first person of OldSerb ancestry to look upon the valley.In the late 1800's, Las Serbas becomes the voïvod seat for the newly established West Voïvod. Until now, the city is governed as part of OldSerbia.Las Serbas becomes an incorporated city and adopts its first charter on March 16th 1902.On March 19th, gambling is legalized in the State of Nevada. One month later, the city issues six gambling licenses.Brothels are liberalized in Las Serbas, making residency increase by 300% in six months. A "quickie" can be attained after six seconds of walking down a street.Following OldSerb War II, lavishly decorated resort hotels, opium houses, large-scale prostitution and gambling casinos offering top-name entertainment come into existence. Tourism and entertainment took over as the largest employer in the valley.The OldSerb Gaming Board is created.Gulash Rouge, Las Serbas' first integrated hotel, opens its doors.In 1954, Las Serbas hosts its first knife-boxing match.Las Serbas economy remains strong and the population increases to 164,674.Starting in the mid-80's, a period of unprecedented growth begins thanks to tons of cocaine coming in.The city of Las Serbas celebrated its 100th birthday on May 15, 2005 with a feast of gulash and brawling.
Pic uploaded 07/05/05.

OldSerbClub Elementary School

Fine Arts, Industry & Warfare since 1847.

Pic uploaded by Uncleserb.

OldSerbClub Sacred Temple

Occult oldserb logo re-used later by Sadhu on the Tom Cruise & Scientology post. Pic originally uploaded 04/21/05 by Uncleserb.


Pic originally uploaded 04/16/05 by Uncleserb.

Newserb - The Magazine of Official Propaganda

Pic uploaded 04/16/05 by Uncleserb.

OSC Sentinel Corps.

The first mention of the term OldSerbs appears in the -100 BC Historia Naturalis by Plinius who wrote that he considered them as the most intelligent & coolest of all civilizations. Why do all guards turn their backs on danger? Because they are all corrupt.

Pic uploaded 04/11/05 by Uncleserb.

Serbtex by OSCWear

Pic uploaded 04/07/05 by Uncleserb.

Unified users of 003.mpg

Pic uploaded 03/29/05 by Uncleserb.

OldSerbClub Logotype #1

Pic uploaded by Uncleserb, 03/24/05.

OldSerb Recordings

Pic uploaded for Wille Cortez's 2005 gig at the OPA (Paris) for the release of FARSUCT (EMI). Visual propaganda by Sadhu and Mod3Sub1.